Calendar of Events

The Baptized Life:  Episcopal Style

The Baptized Life: Episcopal Style

“The Baptized Life (Episcopal Style)” will be our topic on Wednesday evenings during Lent (March 12 through April 9) at 7:00 pm. We will look at the basics of the Christian Life as understood and practiced in the Episcopal Church. These sessions will count as preparation for those who wish to officially become members of the Episcopal Church, but that is not an expectation and all are welcome.

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The Baptized Life: Episcopal Style Week 2

The Baptized Life: Episcopal Style Week 2

“The Baptized Life (Episcopal Style)” will be our topic on Wednesday evenings during Lent (March 12 through April 9) at 7:00 pm. We will look at the basics of the Christian Life as understood and practiced in the Episcopal Church. These sessions will count as preparation for those who wish to officially become members of the Episcopal Church, but that is not an expectation and all are welcome.

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The Baptized Life: Episcopal Style Week 3

The Baptized Life: Episcopal Style Week 3

“The Baptized Life (Episcopal Style)” will be our topic on Wednesday evenings during Lent (March 12 through April 9) at 7:00 pm. We will look at the basics of the Christian Life as understood and practiced in the Episcopal Church. These sessions will count as preparation for those who wish to officially become members of the Episcopal Church, but that is not an expectation and all are welcome.

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The Baptized Life: Episcopal Style Week 4

The Baptized Life: Episcopal Style Week 4

“The Baptized Life (Episcopal Style)” will be our topic on Wednesday evenings during Lent (March 12 through April 9) at 7:00 pm. We will look at the basics of the Christian Life as understood and practiced in the Episcopal Church. These sessions will count as preparation for those who wish to officially become members of the Episcopal Church, but that is not an expectation and all are welcome.

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The Baptized Life: Episcopal Style Week 5

The Baptized Life: Episcopal Style Week 5

“The Baptized Life (Episcopal Style)” will be our topic on Wednesday evenings during Lent (March 12 through April 9) at 7:00 pm. We will look at the basics of the Christian Life as understood and practiced in the Episcopal Church. These sessions will count as preparation for those who wish to officially become members of the Episcopal Church, but that is not an expectation and all are welcome.

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Church Confirmations

Church Confirmations

Bishop Eugene Sutton, former Bishop of Maryland and current Senior Pastor at Chautauqua, will preside at a regional Confirmation/Reception service on May 18 at 3 PM at St. Luke’s of Jamestown. This is an opportunity for those who wish to become members of the Episcopal Church. See Fr. John for more information.

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Shrove Tuesday

Shrove Tuesday

Sunday, March 2 is the Sunday before Lent begins. Following the Liturgy that day, we will enjoy the English tradition of Pancakes and Pancake races, with a bit of Mardi Gras thrown in. 

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Coffee Hour Conversation

Coffee Hour Conversation

Fr. John will be leading an Introduction to the Gospel of Luke during Coffee Hour following the service on Sunday, December 8. Most of the Gospel Readings for the next year will be from Luke and this introduction will help us see how each Sunday’s readings fit into the whole story.

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